Ear Wax Removal

Clean & unblock your ears. Enhance your hearing!

All ears produce wax, some more than others no matter your age. We recommend a regular ear clean and check to encourage positive ear health. Alpha Hearing’s trained audiologists use best practice techniques to remove your ear wax safely.

What is ear wax?

Ear wax is made up of sebum – a secretion produced by glands in the ear canals, and skin cells, sweat and dirt. While it sometimes has a wax like texture, it can also be quite hard and become impacted. It can also vary in colour from quite pale to black.

Why do we produce ear wax?

Ear wax is part of the ears cleaning mechanism. By producing ear wax our ears can trap dirt, dead skin cells and other debris. As the wax moves out of the ears, dirt and other debris come out with it. Ear wax is an important part of the ear as it allows the ear to clean itself and helps stop debris building up and causing infections.

Alpha Hearing audiologist showing ear wax in ear model
Happy woman pointing to her ears that have ear wax

When should ears be cleaned?

While often ear wax will work its way out of the ear without you even noticing, sometimes it can build up in the ears and cause problems. Some ears produce more wax than others, some ears do a better job of pushing wax out of the ears than others as every ear is unique.

There are some signs you can look for that indicate the wax has built up to a problematic level. These include:

  • Earache
  • Blocked ear
  • A decrease in the ability to hear
  • Tinnitus
  • Ear infections
  • Dizziness/vertigo
  • Itchiness
  • Odour or discharge from the ear

We use best practice techniques to remove your ear wax safely

If you’ve never had your ears checked for ear wax, book a wax management appointment today. Alpha Hearing’s trained audiologists use best practice techniques to remove your ear wax safely.

Our waterless removal technique is best practice and combines micro-suction and a tiny spoon-like instrument (called a curette) to gently remove any wax build-up. This is a quick, clean and effective method of removing ear wax from your ears and the benefits will be noticed immediately. We also have otoscopic video to show you what it looks like in your ears before and after we remove the ear wax from your ears.

Not only can this gentle method of ear wax removal improve your hearing and reduce discomfort in the ears, but it will also improve the long-term health of your ears and hearing.

Note: Clients booking appointments for wax management should note the following conditions may preclude you; sores and bleeding around the ear, active ear infection and blood thinning medications. If you are not suffering from any of these conditions and wish to book a wax management appointment the use of wax drops/spray and even olive oil prior to your appointment may assist in removing your ear wax.

Alpha Hearing Michael Wong with client

How NOT to clean ears

It is important not to try and clean out ear wax yourself. Cotton tips or any similar device such as bobby pins or paperclips, or ear candling, is not recommended.

These items can push ear wax further down the ear canal becoming impacted and stuck, causing discomfort and possible damage to the ear drum. Always seek professional advice and services for each wax removal.

How ears should be cleaned

At Alpha Hearing, our audiologists are trained in ear wax removal, and it is something we do every day. It is all part of our service and can be done at our Mt Waverly, Balwyn or Burwood East clinics.

Alpha Hearing audiologists are trained professionals and use state-of-the-art technology and equipment, including micro-suction to achieve clean, unblocked ears. Ear wax can be compacted, often the result of the use of cotton tips, over the counter ear drops and other home remedies. We recommend a professional ear wax removal appointment to keep your ears happy and healthy. We offer ear wax removal appointments across our clinic locations: Balwyn, Mount Waverley and Burwood.

Contact us for ear wax removal

Our team of audiologists offer ear wax removal appointments at each of our clinics. Located in Balwyn, Mt Waverley and Burwood. Or, if you have a question, we would be happy to answer it for you. Please complete the form below.

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