Qualified, skilled and compassionate

The Alpha Hearing Difference

Our job is really quite simple. It is to share what we know, our professional knowledge, skills and training, with YOU. Our goal is to help you hear so you don’t miss those precious moments! To help us do this job, you will notice some key differences with this business.
Audiologists at Alpha Hearing, Michael Wong


You will see that we are all Audiologists and members of the Audiological Society of Australia (ASA) with current Certificates of Clinical Practice (CCP). This means you can be certain you will receive the most advanced, competent and up-to-date knowledge and experience when you use Alpha Hearing services.

Innovation and technology

You will see we are passionate about innovation and technology. Our clinics are equipped with the latest computer technology and clinical testing equipment. Our internal walls have been acoustically treated and your hearing will be assessed in custom-made sound treated booths. If you can hear background noise during your hearing test, you should find another hearing service provider. We ensure your hearing tests are accurate. You should expect nothing less.


Our clinical spaces are large and welcoming. We encourage you to arrive early for your appointment. To sit and relax and read a magazine in our reception area. We have separate reception areas that contain useful information regarding various hearing devices and we encourage you to drop in and collect this free information.

Listened to with respect

We are good listeners. Your appointments will never be rushed. You will be treated with respect and always seen on time. We are interested in why you have come to see us because understanding this is the only way we can achieve an outcome that addresses your needs. We listen with the intent to learn. Then we apply what we know to help deliver the expected results.


You will see that the prices for our services and products are very competitive. Given the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience of our clinical team, Alpha Hearing is a business that offers unbeatable value for your time and money. Expert hearing care without the heavy price tag.

Innovation and technology

We are passionate about innovation and technology. Our clinics are equipped with the latest computer technology and clinical testing equipment. Our internal walls have been acoustically treated and your hearing will be assessed in custom-made sound treated booths. We ensure your hearing tests are accurate. You should expect nothing less.

Coordinated care

You will come to understand how having Alpha Hearing as your hearing care provider will be a very good choice. Our brand is well known in the local community and within the industry. We have the resources and team to effectively coordinate care across a comprehensive network of health professional and allied health services.