Child Comprehensive Hearing Assessment

Expert audiological care for your child (Ages 6-17)

At Alpha Hearing, we recognise the crucial role of normal hearing in children. We understand the critical impact that hearing abilities have on a child’s overall development, communication skills and social/emotional wellbeing. We are committed to offering early detection, diagnosis, and effective management of any potential hearing loss in children.

We can give you peace-of-mind that your child’s ears and hearing are working as they should.

If hearing loss is detected, we can help you take the steps required to treat and manage the hearing loss.

Early detection of hearing issues in children is crucial. 

man wearing hearing aids leaning against verandar
children with teacher at school

Speech & language development

Language is learned through exposure to sound. Children pick up words they hear in their environment. But language development is not the only thing that depends on your child’s ability to hear. Their listening ability influences how they learn to read, write and understand the world around them, including other people.

Hearing loss negatively impacts listening ability. This is why hearing loss will greatly impact a child’s social skills as well as speech and language development.

To develop spoken language, children must be able to hear speech sounds clearly. If your child has hearing loss, their basic language development is impacted. As your child grows, their listening environments change depending on different life stages, from infancy, to nursery through the school years and beyond. A hearing loss will impact their life differently at each stage. 

When should your child have a hearing test?

It is crucial to monitor your child’s hearing health from an early age. We recommend booking a hearing assessment for your child if you are concerned about their hearing or if you notice any of the following signs or risk factors:

  • Delayed speech and language development.
  • Difficulty understanding conversations or frequently asking for repetition.
  • Inattentiveness, poor academic performance, or behavioral issues at school.
  • Frequent ear infections or discharge from the ears, which may lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss.
  • Family history of hearing loss or other known genetic conditions affecting hearing.
  • Peace of mind; you just want to be sure your child has normal hearing. 
paedriatric assessments for kids

Common reasons for hearing loss in children

Hearing loss in children can occur due to various factors. Some common causes include:

  • Congenital conditions: Genetic factors or prenatal infections can lead to hearing loss at birth.
  • Middle ear infections: Recurrent or severe infections can cause temporary hearing loss if left untreated.
  • Noise exposure: Excessive noise levels, such as prolonged exposure to loud music or environments, can damage a child’s hearing.
  • Medications: Certain medications, such as some antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs, may cause hearing loss as a side effect.
  • Head trauma: Injuries to the head or ear can result in hearing loss or damage to the auditory system.

How hearing is assessed for children at Alpha Hearing

Our team of audiologists are dedicated to supporting your childs hearing journey.

  • Advanced Techniques: Our audiologists use state-of-the-art methods to evaluate, treat, and manage hearing loss in your child.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: We conduct thorough hearing tests, middle ear evaluations, and speech testing to diagnose the type, severity, and causes of hearing loss. Results are reported to the child’s GP on the same day.
  • Collaborative Care: We work closely with GPs, ENTs, and speech-language pathologists to create personalized management plans to support speech and language development.
  • Commitment to Success: Our team is dedicated to improving your child’s quality of life, offering compassionate care and empowering families with essential knowledge and resources.

      If you suspect your child has hearing loss, don’t delay. Book them in for an child hearing assessment. Please bring your doctor’s referral (if you have one) to your appointment